The purpose behind my story

by - Friday, February 07, 2020

A flower that's growing through concrete.

I will be posting a piece every Friday, bit by bit so as not to overwhelm you. When reading under this topic I would like you to bare in mind my self-proclaimed personal slogan "A flower that grew through concrete" It is sums up everything I am and still yet to become. 

I started this blog in 2013 and as we know everything evolves and so do I. In the beginning I didn’t feel the need to get into depth about myself, however I thought to myself how else I will inspire others without out being an inspiration.

Before I get into the nitty gritty, I am not out here seeking for sympathy and many of the events in this blog will not even be familiar to my closest of friends or family. I am not a person that likes to share my struggles with others because I do not like to dwell on the negative. However I have come to a realization that there is a reason why I went through what I went through and have overcome everything victoriously and if I do not share my story and most importantly my victories then it would have all been for nothing.

I was never being punished or condemned for anything, I was being used and made a testimony in order to inspire and motivate others not only that but also to be able to serve and walk others out of the darkness that I have walked.

Love & Light
Just  Kutloano “A lioness and her cubs”

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